Calendar of Chapter Events
Praying Psalms of Lament
December 21, 2024
Immanuel UMC 2900 49th Street DSM
You are invited to join our contemplative community for shared periods of prayer with Psalms of Lament on the Winter Solstice.
We will gather in the newly remodeled chapel space at Immanuel UMC. Come in the doors at the covered drive and go upstairs, following the hall to the left. (Prayer periods will last about 30 minutes, including brief readings before and after Centering Prayer.
You are welcome to remain in the building for extended periods of prayer and reflection)
Psalms of Lament . . . that turn towards hope and praise
Taizè Worship Conclusion
We conclude our day of prayer with the beautiful songs and prayers of Taizè to move with hope into the darkness of the Winter Solstice. Readings during worship will feature writings of or about St. John of the Cross and the Dark Night of the Soul. We lean into the darkness of this night for healing, grace and transformation.
Download Flyer for information and times.