Virtual Centering Prayer Opportunities

Visit the Prayer Groups page for days and times that groups are meeting, as well as contact information. Please get in touch  with the contact for the Zoom link to their scheduled Centering Prayer sessions.

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Intimacy With God: A Taizè Worship Experience
Saturday, March 05, 2022, 06:30pm
Hits : 246

A Taizè Worship Experience in Contemplative Community

We invite you to conclude the day of “United in Prayer” offerings with a gathering for prayer, music and contemplative worship centered on the readings from Thomas Keating’s Intimacy with God. 

We will gather for in-person worship, masked and social distanced as space allows. Enjoy the beautiful chanting of Worship music from Taize in this evening worship experience that celebrates the work of Thomas Keating and Contemplative Outreach.

Northminster Presbyterian Church
1416 20th St, Ames, IA 50010


Livestream options may be possible. TBA